25 Days of Community Tips

We want your community to be equipped for success, so starting December 1st…we will be posting tips every day for your community. Topics will range from social media setup, reaching millennials, marketing your weekends, fundraising ideas and so much more! Be sure that you are following all our social media pages, as well as, our blog to ensure you don’t miss a thing! Day 1: End of the Year Giving Day 2: 5 Traits of a Great Website Day 3: Promote Your Weekends Day 4: Stop Using Excel Day 5: Media Facebook Group Day 6: Create and Share Rosters in Google Sheets Day 7: Create a Google Sheet Workflow Day 8: Design Free Images Online Day 9: Finding a Campground Day 10: Win a Marketing Strategy Day 11: Let’s Talk Social Media Campaigns Day 12: Stop Creating Ugly Secuela Flyers Day 13: Create an Email List in MailChimp Day 14: Photos Your Website Should Have Day 15: Create a Travel Form in JotForm Day 16: 5 Ways to Bless Your Spiritual Directors Day 17: Promote Your Secuela Day 18: Integrate JotForm with MailChimp Day 19: Create an Automated Email in JotForm Day 20: Engage Your Candidates Post Weekend Day 21: Advanced MailChimp Lists Day 22: Create a Testimonial Video Day 23: Take a Good Photo Day 24: Increase Engagment At Your Reunion Groups Day 25: Why Your Community Needs an Essentials Training Facebook Instagram Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest Youtube Tres Dias Blog