End of the Year Giving

End-of-the-Year Giving is one of the most underutilized tools in Tres Dias communities. Don’t wait for the start of the next weekend to raise funds – move out of the red now. 30% percent of annual giving occurs in December, and 10% of annual giving is done in the last three days of December. What does that mean? You still have time! Some of your community members may want to guarantee their tax write-offs, so give them the opportunity. We recommend one email at the start of December…so draft up that community-wide email now. Then, send three emails in the last week of December (before the last day) and two to three emails the final day, for one last push. Here is an email example, based on a hypothetical community. (Click the image to see a larger version). The dollar is divided in a way that shows this community doesn’t have a huge operating budget. When someone sponsors a candidate with 100% financial need, free isn’t really free. The candidate still eats three meals, sleeps in a bed, uses a pilgrim’s guide, etc., and these costs add up! This visual has a two-fold blessing. It not only educates the community on the need for donations and scholarships, but it also changes the mindset of a 100% financial aid scholarship. So, consider how you will craft your end-of-the-year giving campaign and tell us about your successes!