Hearing How Men’s Hearts Are Changed

By Patti Jo Bach

I love to hear what the pilgrims have to say at the men’s closing service. They are asked to share their answers to two questions, “What have you gained from this Tres Dias weekend” and “What does Christ mean to you now?” Here is a collection of my favorites, recorded over the years. “Can’t wait to see the world through new eyes. . .lost several pounds in tears. . . as a pastor I got my joy back . . . learned what it is to be a man of God. . . gained an understanding of the diversity of the body of Christ . . . know now to love and honor my wife as Christ loves the church . . . lost self-condemnation, legalism, and trying to earn God’s love . . . saw Jesus on the cross during communion . . . now see my wife as a gift from God . . .  underwent open heart surgery here . . . forgave myself–believe now that Jesus’ blood is sufficient . .  . no longer going to live a double life . . . lost fear. . . I have witnessed not just restoration but resurrection of lives including mine . . . hope has come to me once more . . . I am a new man for my wife . . . let go of baggage and burdens . . . been praying for years, now have a road map . . . ready to circle the wagons, use the sword of God’s word to spread His love and grace . . . Christ means life. . . going to hug my sponsor until his head pops off!” I am always moved to tears when I hear the exuberance and see the changes in these men’s countenance and how they have been bonded together as brothers and disciples.

Patti Jo welcomes your comments. Send to pattijobach@gmail.com.