Finding Freedom At the Foot of the Cross

By Susie Trefney
If I had to wrap up my Tres Dias weekend into one nice, neat little package I would have to say that the experience dropped my “head knowledge” into my spirit where I can finally own it. It is now a living experience that I understand at a deep level. And when there is true spiritual knowledge at a soul level, God just continues to grow it, nurture it expand it, and beautify it! I woke up early Sunday morning of my candidate weekend with the words “You’re FREE” in my head. I was so excited I got out of bed and paced the cabin with tears rolling down my cheeks. I just wanted to shout from the rooftop, and I would have, except that everyone was sleeping! This was the turning point in my Christian walk. I finally understood that it took Jesus and obedience to Him to lay my “daddy issues” at the cross and leave them there. For decades I had been trying to lay down the guilt I created as a child for not being able to take care of my dad after my parents divorced. Jesus taught me that “apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). When Jesus takes your “stuff,” there is true freedom. I have been serving ever since. And every time I do, Jesus has something new for me. In the spring I did the environments talk. God told me to focus on the environment of our hearts. As I began writing my talk, I thought I was writing it for the candidates. But of course, God showed me that it was for ME also. I had already been set free from my childhood guilt, and now he was leading me to understand the destruction that guilt had caused throughout four failed marriages. I had no idea that when I was done with my talk, I would be able to lay yet another part of my life at the cross and move forward on fresh ground once again. It was a humbling experience. God is so incredibly sweet. (I choke up even writing this) Heading back into a season of serving makes me giddy. I literally feel like a little child at Christmas. I recently told this to a friend, and then it dawned on me–of course it makes me feel that way because we come to Him as little children. He has only good things for us and we aren’t always quite sure what they are. It will take some emotional unwrapping to see what the treasure inside is. And it’s always better than what we wanted or imagined. I am a mom to three grown children, two girls and a son with Down Syndrome, and also to three grown stepsons. I am a grandma to two granddaughters, ages two and nine. I am a first-grade teacher and have been teaching for 27 years. I am a wife of 10 years in October. I am a daughter, a sibling and a friend. I am a lot of things. They have all been such rich, challenging blessings. I’m now also a “Tres Dias lifer.” I have never felt so overwhelmingly satisfied as when I am serving candidates with my Tres Dias family.   Susie’s story was originally published in the Tres Dias of Montana newsletter. Thanks to Communications Director Michele Blodgett for sending the story to us.