How Involved Are You In Your Local Secretariat?

I HAVE A QUESTION FOR YOU:  Do you ever feel that the decisions your local Secretariat makes are ill-advised, or that they’re missing something?  Are you ever unhappy with the processes they’ve developed, or feel that they are out-of-touch with the community?  If so, the obvious answer is:  GET INVOLVED!

Let me start by saying that the vast majority of our communities are run quite well, with leadership being closely connected to the folks in the community.  Very often the complaints that are received by TDI are simple misunderstandings that could have been quickly resolved with a simple conversation.  However, there is sometimes a feeling of a “disconnect;” where people feel their concerns are not being addressed.  This results in a feeling of powerlessness and thus the recourse to contact TDI.  As you read the rest of this, please keep these two words in mind: “GET INVOLVED!”

SO HOW CAN THIS BE ADDRESSED?  As with all things Tres Dias, the Essentials – our governing document – provides a general overview of the structure of the local Secretariat and the purpose for its existence – but not a lot of specific detail.  It lists the two primary roles of the Secretariat:

  • It must conduct an effective program in accordance with the Tres Dias Method
  • It must be the sole sponsor of Tres Dias weekends held in its community

It goes on to say that the Secretariat must comply with the Essentials to maintain its charter, and, importantly, All Pescadores of the TRES DIAS Community whom the local secretariat claims to represent must be eligible to serve as voting members and officers of the secretariat, providing they agree to meet, uphold and follow the qualifications as outlined in the local community’s Constitution and By-laws.”

So how are local Secretariats structured?  It’s interesting to note that there’s no real standard.  Some communities have open elections where anyone can vote, others limit voting to Secretariat Members, and some even put up barriers to enabling pescadores to actively participate.

WHAT I WOULD LIKE TO PRESENT is the “vision” of the Founders and refer you to the By-Laws of the founding Tres Dias Community:  Mid-Hudson.  You’ll recall the first Tres Dias weekend was held there in 1972.  The Mid-Hudson’s By-Laws were created in 1976, several years before the creation of the National Secretariat.  In other words, this document predates the national body and gives us the clearest view of how the Founders envisioned Tres Dias to be governed.
Although Mid-Hudson’s By-Laws have undergone revisions over the years, the section concerning Secretariat Membership has not significantly changed.  The original stated that “ALL PESCADORES ARE CONSIDERED NON-VOTING SECRETARIAT MEMBERS SIX MONTHS AFTER COMPLETION OF THEIR WEEKEND.”  (The most recent revision has even removed the 6-month barrier!)

In other words:  Once they complete their weekend, Pescadores are encouraged to attend all Secretariat meetings.  And if they decide to become involved, they simply have to attend 3 out of 4 meetings, request voting status and be in agreement with our Statement of Belief and Qualifications for Community Leadership.  At that point, the Secretariat votes to permit them to become voting members, and the only real stipulation is that they must continue to attend at least 50% of the meetings – and they must agree to serve on standing and/or ad hoc committees when asked.

THINK ABOUT THAT:  Upon completing a weekend, the Founders felt that all Pescadores should be encouraged to take servant leadership roles within the community.


  1. ONE ARGUMENT AGAINST HAVING IT OPEN TO “EVERYONE” IS THAT YOU MIGHT HAVE INEXPERIENCED PEOPLE MAKING DECISIONS.  I understand that, but since there are no term limits on Secretariat Members, many have been in place for many years; providing a basis of stability with the wisdom to help guide new Members.
  2. ANOTHER ARGUMENT IS THAT PEOPLE WHO ARE NEW TO TRES DIAS DON’T HAVE THE INSIGHTS TO GOVERN EFFECTIVELY AND MAY WANT TO MAKE STRUCTURAL CHANGES TO MAKE IT MORE APPEALING TO THEM WITHOUT FULL UNDERSTANDING OF THE TD METHOD.  My response would be that it would be up to the experienced folks to explain why the new ideas may not be the best solution.  After all, the older members provide stability through their experience and accumulated wisdom, along with their knowledge of the Essentials and the Tres Dias Method.  On the same token, the old-timers might come to realize that, perhaps, some deeply established policies or traditions who’s only claim-to-fame is “We’ve always done it that way” have outlived their usefulness.   (Remember that EVERYTHING we do in Tres Dias has a reason and a purpose.  Sometimes it takes the clarity and enthusiasm of fresh eyes to identify traditions that are no longer valid, useful or productive)
  3. HOW WOULD YOU CONTROL ABUSE OF POWER?  The same way you are hopefully doing it now! There has to be established norms of behavior, and an agreement on the interpretation of the Essentials and other TDI documents.  (Actually, any disagreements could be brought to the Policy Committee of TDI for help in their resolution).
  4. SO WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES?  I think they’re numerous:
    – It avoids the appearance of cliques and favoritism
    – It allows for a broader base for decision-making
    – It draws on strengths and skills that might otherwise be missed.
    – It’s a motivator to get people more involved
    – If nothing else, it sheds light on what could be perceived as “back room” deals.

Finally, if you’re a community leader and you hear someone complaining about how the Secretariat is doing things, how great is it that you can simply say “Come to a meeting and be part of the solution!” (In other words “GET INVOLVED!”)

For what it’s worth, the TDI Secretariat works in a similar manner.  ALL Pescadores are qualified to serve on the International Secretariat:  You can start off by simply observing, then you can become  a voting member of a committee, and even run for a position as Secretariat Members and Officer.  There are no arbitrary barriers.
– In other words, the next time you find yourself complaining about a TDI decision: “GET INVOLVED!” 😁

I hope you found these insights helpful.  I’m sure folks will disagree so let’s have that conversation by joining us on our Private Facebook Page.
Until next month.
De Colores!

Jeff Mehl
Tres Dias International


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1632 1st Avenue; #29182
New York, NY 10028
Tel: (800) 347-1581 (International: 001-845-384-1141)

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