June 2018 President’s Letter

The bylaws for Tres Dias have term limits for officers, so that means I have to step aside in July, when the ballots are counted at the Assembly. I’ve visited a lot of communities during the past two years, and I treasure the way the folks in those communities respected TDI and felt that we cared about them. There was always a warm, loving reception, even when there were some people in that community that didn’t necessarily want me to come. We sat down and said some prayers and talked about what was going on. Usually, they were getting a little off-track with the Essentials, and that was messing up the dynamics of the weekends. The knowledge I gained from one community, I was able to pass on to another community. I thank the Lord for what we all learned by working together. Sometimes I look in the mirror, and I ask, who in the world would have picked a person like me to lead an organization like Tres Dias? And I marvel what the Lord can do. Two years ago, I announced that I wanted the theme of my presidency to be “together in unity.” The Lord has pulled us closer together, unified in His love, and I give Him credit for what we have accomplished. De Colores! Frank Yarbrough President Tres Dias International Secretariat