44th Assembly and Secretariat Plans

Let Us Assemble

It was so good to see everyone who made it to Woodstock, Georgia for the Assembly and Secretariat. New faces from various communities were a welcome sight. There were fewer people because most communities either held fewer weekends or none at all in 2021; therefore, fewer delegates. Thank you, Delegates for attending and participating.

The Pescadores of North Georgia were wonderful hosts. They fed us fabulous meals. The speakers at Secuela were encouraging, especially Ryan Kroko who shared how his age-group uses technology to stay in touch, as well as getting together in person often, even though not everyone can attend every time. The most inspiring part was when Ryan talked about his father’s age-group and how these older men support the younger men and how much the younger men look to the older men as examples of spiritual “fathers.” 

As plans are underway to make the 44th Assembly and Secretariat in Birmingham, Alabama even more fun and inspirational, please pray about attending and bringing someone to introduce them to TDI and their fellow Pescadores.

See you in Birmingham.

De Colores!

By: Melinda Armbruster