Description: “Essentials Training” is a two and a half hour course that covers the history and purpose of Tres Dias, the Tres Dias Essentials, the administrative structure of Tres Dias (International Secretariat and Assembly), and the resources available from the International Secretariat.

Participation by Local Communities:  The By-Laws of Tres Dias require that a trainer sent by Membership Committee of the International Secretariat conducts one of these training sessions  once every two years to maintain the community’s charter.  In addition, it is recommended that local trainers be certified to train the Essentials more frequently in each community.

Qualifications for Certification as a trainer: To qualify as a Tres Dias Essentials Trainer, a person needs to have attended a training conducted by the Membership Committee, either at the local community or at one of the Tres Dias International Secretariat meetings or at the Annual Assembly.

Number of Trainers: There is no limit on the number of trainers in a community.   Each community should have its own trainers.

Additional Information: Contact the [Membership Vice President]